”好的選擇開始, 就是成功的全部”
猿田彥 控股有限公司及團隊,具備堅實的產業經歷及全球性的資源,堅信 ”好的選擇開始, 就是成功的全部”,團隊具有廣泛的國際經驗與實績,不做一般性質的顧問服務。
猿田彥 控股有限公司 擁有充沛的資源,在深度了解客戶及企業的需求後,能提供全面且一站式的資源挹注,豐富的經驗能扮演引路人角色,協助客戶避免因資源的部分缺乏而造成運營及項目的遲滯,期許引領客戶及企業做出最有保障的專業決策,除了能快速達成期許目標之外,更希望創造預期外更優秀成果,讓客戶與企業滿意且共贏。
猿田彥 控股有限公司 深知”取之社會用之於社會”,努力地想建構一個充滿慈悲與智慧的社會,希望大家能共襄盛舉,利益全球下一代的人類,目前與 不丹國 與 崔欽徹林仁波切 (不丹藥善機構以及國際金剛座釋迦牟尼佛像基金會首席) ,自2025年起發起籌募,籌募到款項將全部捐予建設 不丹國 的偏鄉協助搭橋鋪路與世界和平塔項目,希望透過大家微薄之力,一起齊心幫助。
猿田彥 控股有限公司 充沛資源著重在
猿田彥 控股有限公司在日本政府與公共部門一直維繫著良善且直接的關係,致力於日益複雜的公營及泛公營事業領域中,為客戶提供直接、實質、且有效的專業建議與支持服務,引領客戶與企業達成目標。
猿田彥 控股有限公司在過去一直扮演著企業最佳幫手的角色,在公司經營 產、銷、人、發、財的各領域幫企業進行專業分析與把關,協助企業充分了解自身定位及發展前景,在企業所缺的資源部分,提供即時有效的資源挹注,並協助企業制定和實施戰略的方案和規劃。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊為日本上市IPO公司,擁有充沛的 數位顯示資源與採購能力與資金鏈支持,本身專業建置團隊擁有超過20年以上的數位顯示經驗與實績積累,在日本各區有專業SI配合,可提供一站式的DISPLAY垂直整合資源,從顯示項目各種 軟、硬體的前期導入、溝通、評估、建議,到專業施工團隊的細部規劃、製圖、施工建置、後期養護、維修及2D、3D多媒體互動內容與日本前三大廣告運營商配合,能全面的提供一站式去滿足客戶在數位顯示科技的各式需求。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊與夥伴在日本是政府頒發證照的不動產與資產管理公司,可針對客戶需求提供全面的資產與不動產投資管理服務,可深度了解客戶投資需求,量身訂做,並提供市場上非公開,穩定且高報酬的項目,團隊可以一條龍服務,從土地的購置、投資測算、建築師設計規劃,建設到招商與不動產銷售及物業管理,可提供資產與不動產安全保障且專業的投資建議。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊深耕日本、中國、韓國、台灣與柬埔寨在亞洲國際間貿易資歷已經超過15年,在日本公司所協助顧問服務與配合的零售客戶皆是一線通路與日本前五大商社,擁有團隊自己專屬的國際物流、報關與國際貿易公司及招商團隊,並可提供各國語言在國際貿易的翻譯需求,能依造客戶屬性,給予消費產業、品牌、零售通路的客戶最直接且有效率及效果的服務。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下FA 專業顧問,可協助企業找尋適合的投資方,幫助項目投資人匹配可靠的投資項目,並可提共各國語言的翻譯,提供客戶在國內外訂定資金募集計畫,引薦財務性或策略性投資者,規劃合適的籌資工具,評選資金來源和協商交易條款,協助企業募得企業營運需要資金,讓投資方資金可以有效利用。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊深耕日本、韓國、與柬埔寨於企業進入新市場營運模式進行前,可提供相關信託、稅務、銀行與法律諮詢服務,各國有專人窗口,可提供各國語言的翻譯與處理時的溝通,協助客戶分析與風險評估,幫助企業檢視最安全與適宜的方式並在充沛保障中,安全的進入新市場,必要時可引入強而有力的後盾予以引路與保障,讓客戶贏在起跑點。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊 在工業貴金屬回收與黃金交易上有長期配合與專業信譽的夥伴,可協助訂定安全的交易模式,挑選與不同類別且合適的協力機構搭配。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊在日本與柬埔寨地方可依照客戶與企業的投資需求,給予安全有保障的一站式服務,關於大型的電力、公用事業與再生能源項目可以協助客戶直接與政府協商,並取的有利的支持,創造共贏。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下團隊深耕日本、中國、韓國、台灣與柬埔寨,在亞洲生技醫療領域已著墨超過10年,協力的工廠、醫療資源、品牌廠商與銷售渠道,都是業界翹楚,有專人窗口可提共不同語言的翻譯,會依照客戶與企業的需求導入合適資源,創造共贏。
猿田彥 控股有限公司旗下配合夥伴為日本上市IPO公司,深耕日本、中國、韓國、台灣、印尼,在亞洲醫療照護、長照、生命科技服務已超過38年,此外協力的工廠、醫療資源、品牌廠商與銷售渠道,都是業界翹楚,有專人窗口可提共不同語言的翻譯,依照客戶與企業的需求導入合適資源,創造共贏。
猿田彥 控股有限公司 在日本配合夥伴為日本最大體量M&A公司,可依客戶與企業調整與擴張需求,無論是針對成熟發展或新創公司併購整合,協助進行市場調查、資信調查、投資環境的考察以及交易條件評估,可依照客戶與企業的需求導入合適資源,協助制定整合策略及提升併購交易價值,創造共贏。
日本市場やカンボジアでのデジタルディスプレイ市場導入や市場販売チャネル構築実績をもっています。弊社は、台湾・中国などディスプレイ製造を代表する企業との強い協力関係によって豊富なデジタルディスプレイ資源と購買力を持ち、自社の専門工事チームは20年以上のデジタルディスプレイの経験をもっています。又、専門的なSI協力により、 プロジェクトの各種ソフトウェア、ハードウェアの事前導入、製造側とクライアント様とのコミュニケーションサポート、製品評価や分析、最良な製品提案から、専門工事チームの詳細計画、製品設置マッピング、工事施工、メンテナンス、修理、までのトータルサポートを実施しています。日本大手広告代理店との太いパイプを活かし、2D、3Dなそ多様コンテンツまで、デジタルディスプレイ技術の様々なニーズにワンストップで総合的にお応えします。
弊社は、日本で公式な不動産売買許可を保有する会社と連携をしております。又、専門チームを保有しています。その為、お客様に総合的な資産・不動産投資運用サービスを提供することができます。弊社は、お客様の投資ニーズを深く理解し、安定した高利回りのプロジェクトを市場に提供することにも注力しております。諸外国(特に日本、台湾、カンボジア) 土地取得、投資調査、建築設計・計画、建設から投資促進、販売、不動産管理までワンストップサービスを提供することででき、資産・不動産の安全性と専門的な投資アドバイスを提供します。且專業的投資建議。
私たちのチームは 、15年以上にわたり、日本、中国、韓国、台湾、カンボジアのアジアにおける国際貿易に深く携わってきました。 私たちの会社は、特に日本においては、代表的小売りチェーンの海外展開におけるアドバイスサービスのコンサルタントを担っています。独自の国際物流、通関、国際商社、投資促進チームを持っており、また、様々な言語への翻訳を提供することができますので、消費者業界、ブランド、小売チャネルの顧客の特定のニーズに合わせて、直接、効率的かつ効果的なサービスを提供することができます。 弊社は、お客様の属性に応じ、最も最良で、効率的、効果的なサービスを提供することに努めています。
主に、日本市場とカンボジア市場へのクライアント様や企業の投資ニーズに対して、安全で安心なワンストップ・プロフェッショナル・アドバイスサービスを提供します。 大規模な電力、ユーティリティ、再生可能エネルギー・プロジェクトは、クライアント様と企業の双方にとってWin-Winの状況で、政府による交渉とサポートを受けることができます。
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) have solid industry experience and global resources. We firmly believe that “Well begin is well done.” The team has extensive international experience and We don’t provide services that ordinary consulting companies do. ShL has abundant resources, after in-depth understanding of the needs of customers, we can provide comprehensive and one-stop resource integration. We hope to relying on our strong resources that play the role of pathfinder and help customers avoid mistakes. In addition to quickly achieving the expected goals, we also hope to create better and better results than expected, so that customers and companies can be satisfied and win-win with us.
1. Government public relations and Government procurement case services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) team has always maintained good and direct relationships with the Japanese government and public sectors, and is committed to providing customers with direct, substantive, and effective professional advice and services in the increasingly complex public and pan-public sectors. Lead customers and enterprises to achieve their goals.
2. Corporate consulting and strategic consulting
The team of Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) has always played the role of the customer's best helper in the past, helping companies analyze and offering professional suggestions in Production, Marketing & Sales, HR, R&D, and Finance categories, and assisting companies to fully understand their own positioning and prospects.
3. LED, LCD, digital display technology, multimedia interactive services
The team under Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) is a Japanese listed IPO company. It has abundant digital display resources, procurement capabilities and capital chains support. Our professional Display team has more than 20 years of experiences and performance accumulation, and has many professional SI in whole regions of Japan. ShL can provide one-stop vertically integrated DISPLAY resources from the early project analysis, pre-sales communication, evaluation and suggestions of display’s software and hardware to the detailed planning, drawing, construction, after service, maintenance, and repairment. also owns team who can provide competitive multimedia resources of 2D, 3D VR, AR, MR, and multimedia interactive production content companies, moreover ShL cooperating with Japan's top three advertisers’ companies to provide a comprehensive one-stop solution for customers.
4. Asset and real estate investment advisory services
The partners under Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) is a licensed real estate and asset management company in Japan. ShL not only can provide comprehensive asset and real estate investment management services to meet customer needs but also we always deep knowing of customer’s needs. ShL provides the high-remuneration project that are not easy to get from, our partners can provide one-stop services from land purchase, investment calculation, architect design and planning, construction, sales and property management, providing asset and real estate with guaranteed transactions and professional advice.
5. Consumer industries, brands, retail channels and services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) has been deeply engaged in international trade in Asia (Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Cambodia) for more than 15 years. The retail customers that the ShL assists in consulting services are all tier-one channels and including the top five trading companies in Japan. Our team has its own dedicated international logistics, customs declaration and international trade company and tenant leasing team, and we can provide dedicated windows and international language support windows.
6. Financing and fund-raising services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) has many professional financial consultants, we can assist companies to find suitable investors, help project investors match reliable investment projects, and ShL can support dedicated windows and international language support customers formulate fund-raising plans in domestic and abroad. ShL introduce strategic investors, plan appropriate financing tools, select funding sources and negotiate transaction terms, assist companies in raising funds for business.
7. Trust, tax, and legal consulting services
The team of Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) is deeply involved in Japan, South Korea, and Cambodia. Before the company enters the new market, we can provide related trust, tax, banking and legal consulting services, and ShL can support dedicated windows and international language support the customers in analysis and risk control. When necessary, ShL will offering strong backing to protect customers.
8. Mining, metal and gold trading services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) has long-term cooperation with reputation partners in metal recycling and gold trading. We can assist in formulating safe and suitable transaction models and matching with different types of third-party organizations.
9. Power, Utilities and Renewable Energy Services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) has long-term cooperation with reputation partners in Japan and Cambodia, ShL can provide safe and secure one-stop professional advice and services according to the investment needs. We have good relationship with government in Large-scale power, utility and renewable energy projects categories, ShL can assist with government negotiates and obtains favorable support for a win-win situation.
10. Biotechnology services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL) has been deeply involved in biotech in Asia for more than 10 years in Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Cambodia. The biotechnology factories, medical resources, brand and sales channels that we cooperate with are all tire one leaders in countries. We have created many achievements in the market and introduced appropriate resources according to the needs of customers.
11. Medical care, elder care, life technology services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL)'s main partner is listed IPO company in Japan. ShL has been deeply involved in Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia and ShL provided medical care, elder care and life technology services in Asia for more than 38 years.
12. M&A , corporate resale, major transaction advisory services
Sarutahiko holdings Limited Co., Ltd. (ShL)’s partner in Japan is the largest M&A company in Japan. ShL can assist in market research, credit investigation, investment environment inspection and transactions according to the adjustment and expansion needs of customers, whether it is for mature development company or acquisitions of new startups. ShL can introduce appropriate resources according to the needs of customers, assist in formulating integration strategies and enhance the value of M&A transactions, creating a win-win situation.
BVI Company Number: 2162538
Japan office : No.1002, 1-2-30, Benten Minato-Ku, Osaka City, 5520007, Japan
日本 服務專線 +81 90-1487-7887 台灣 服務專線 +886 933-001-993 中國 服務專線 +86 178-5653-7887
Copyright © 2024 Sarutahiko holding Limited — 保留所有權利。